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What does the SF2UF program and grant provide?

All SF2UF fellows are eligible to receive the following support for up to two years:

  • Research stipend of approximately $1,200 per month for up to three years (the third year is typically funded by the faculty research mentor)
  • Partial tuition scholarship for tuition (up to 60% of tuition) during the fellow’s first two program years
  • Registration, travel, housing, and meals to attend a scientific conference in the fellow’s first program year
  • Registration, travel, housing, and meals to attend a regional or national scientific meeting in the fellow’s second program year
  • Participation in an extramural research program in the fellow’s second summer in the program, including travel support (up to $500) and subsistence (up to $3,000)

The financial support is intended to allow SF2UF fellows to devote full attention to their studies and research, and therefore SF2UF fellows must agree to not be employed in any manner during their participation in the program.

Would acceptance to the SF2UF program affect my financial aid?

Yes, it typically does. The SF2UF scholarship and fellowship will not reduce a Pell Grant, Bright Futures Scholarship,  or other UF-awarded scholarship from an academic department or most outside scholarships (although there are some exceptions), but it may impact other state/federal grants. Additionally, it is important to recognize that the scholarship and fellowship will be counted as financial aid and therefore may increase in your expected family contribution (EFC).

Questions about specific aid offers can be answered by the Student Financial Affairs office via

How many students will be in the program?

The SF2UF program is designed to remain small, with no more than four new fellows each year.

Who is eligible to apply?

SF2UF fellows must meet the eligibility criteria.

If I’m accepted, when would I start in the program?

SF2UF fellows typically begin their appointments on the first day of the spring term or the first day of the summer term, but start dates can vary.

What are the requirements for transfer admission into the University of Florida?

Contact your SFC advisor and the UF Admissions Office for information regarding transfer admission requirements.

How do I apply?

Follow the application instructions.

What experience to I need?

Prior experience in research is not required or expected.

What happens if I have trouble with any of my courses?

Contact the SF2UF program directors if you find yourself having difficulty keeping up with any courses. We want all of our fellows to succeed, and we can help by arranging peer-tutoring or tutoring from a graduate student, and participation in activities and programs to improve time management and stress management skills. Don’t wait until late in the semester; the sooner you let us know there is a problem, the more we can do to help.

What happens if my GPA falls below 3.5?

Every SF2UF fellow’s cumulative GPA must stay above 3.5 to be considered eligible. A term GPA below 3.5 will not impact the fellow’s standing unless that term lowers the cumulative GPA below 3.5. Fellows who fail to meet the GPA requirement must raise their GPA above a 3.5 in the following term by taking credits at UF but may be ineligible to receive funding for that term.

Fellows who are off-track in their major should seek assistance from the SF2UF program. Fellows who are off-track in their major for two successive semesters are not eligible to remain in the SF2UF program.

Is the SF2UF program available to students at other Florida two-year colleges?

No, applicants must be enrolled at Santa Fe College.

How long can I receive funding as a SF2UF fellow?

SF2UF fellows are supported for up to three years.

How many credit hours do I need to take each semester?

SF2UF fellows must complete 24 credit hours in each academic year. The number of credits you take may vary by semester, but 24 credits must be earned each year. Fellows who do not earn 24 credits are placed on probation and must make up the credits in the summer to remain eligible for the following fall term. Fellows must also be considered full-time students and therefore are required to enroll in a minimum of 12 UF credits each semester. Fellows who elect to use a university-granted drop may fall below full-time status, which is permitted. The general rule of thumb is that students must begin each semester as a full-time student with 12 or more credits.

Fellows registered with the Disability Resource Center are required to earn 18 credit hours per academic year and they may petition for additional semesters to complete their degree. Under special circumstances, a fellow may earn fewer per their approved accommodations.

Can I take fewer than 12 credits in my final semester if that’s all I need to graduate?

Yes. A fellow in their final semester before graduation is considered a full-time student with fewer than 12 credits for purposes of continuing to receive SFC or UF student services such as involvement in student organizations, use of the Counseling and Wellness Center and Disability Resource Center, and recreation facility use.

Can I take a summer course while I am a SF2UF fellow?

Before transferring to UF, SF2UF fellows may not register for summer courses. After transferring to UF, SF2UF fellows may register for the Research Skills course, the Research Scholarship Seminar, and research credits in the summer, but typically may not enroll in any other summer courses. This is to make sure fellows are able to devote sufficient time to working with their research mentor. Exceptions may be made for fellows who need to complete a specific course in the summer in order to graduate on-time.

If I drop a class, how will my stipend and scholarship be affected?

Since SF2UF fellows are required to earn 24 credits each year, dropping a class may put you behind in earning these credits. This drop may affect the number of credits you register for the following semester. We encourage students to meet with program director prior to making the decision to drop a class. Each semester, the university sets a date by which all students much drop classes if they choose. Be sure to pay attention to this date each semester as dropping a class after the university deadline will result in needing to complete a petition.  All UF students receiving Bright Futures scholarship are required to repay the cost for classes they drop, unless it is a documented medical reason. Learn more at

Do I have to live on campus?

No, there is no requirement to live on campus.

What happens if I do not earn 24 credits by the end of the spring semester?

Fellows who fail to meet the credit hour renewal requirement can make up the deficit in the following summer at SFC, UF, or another Florida state college or university (per approval of transient form) but cannot receive SF2UF stipend and tuition scholarship for that term.

What happens if I take a semester off from SFC or UF?

SF2UF fellows who are not enrolled in a fall or spring semester are reviewed for renewal based on having earned at least 12 credits in the one semester (fall or spring) that they were enrolled. SF2UF fellows who believe they should take a semester off must meet with the program director to determine the feasibility of a successful return to the program.

Can I have a part-time job and still remain in the SF2UF program?

No, SF2UF fellows may not be employed in any manner during their participation in the program.

Can I register for research credit?

Yes, you may register for research credit. What course number you choose and how many credits you register for in any semester must be discussed in advance with your faculty research mentor and the undergraduate advisor for your major.

How would receiving a SF2UF fellowship affect my federal taxes?

The SF2UF program cannot provide any specific recommendations on taxes, but the following information may be helpful:

  1. For the purposes of federal taxes, an undergraduate fellowship is handled like a scholarship or graduate fellowship. The official IRS information on this is here: Additional information specific to NIH appointments is provided by NIH here. Other potentially useful information is in this document from Harvard University. Note that the trainee’s NIH fellowship appointment does not represent compensation for services. This is also stated explicitly on the UF MOU signed by the fellow each year. This is because the fellowship is technically a grant that enables the fellow to pursue activities for their own gain rather than for the University’s benefit.
  2. If the fellow will be claimed as a dependent by anyone (for example, by parents), then the fellowship “income” will need to be incorporated into their combined income and the information above will apply to them. In that case, they will need to evaluate whether it is better financially for the fellow to remain as a dependent or to instead file their own taxes.