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Program Outcomes

Outcomes of Former Trainees

To date, the SF2UF program has 33 former fellows (i.e., fellows who completed the program, left the program, or were terminated from the program). Of these 33 former fellows, 32 (97%) completed at least one training year and 21 (64%) completed the two-year program, with most continuing to a third year of institutional or mentor grant support.

Graduation Rates: Among all 33 former fellows, 31 (94%) graduated with an AA degree, 31 (94%) transferred to UF or another 4-year institution, of whom all but two either graduated with a BS degree (22, or 67% of all fellows) or are still completing their BS degree (5, or 15%).

Biomedical Careers: Of the 22 prior fellows who have graduated with a BS degree, 7 (21% of all prior fellows) continued to graduate programs (three in PhD programs, two in MS programs, two in MPH programs, and one a non-science MA program), two continued to professional degree programs (one DVM and one DO), and 8 (24% of all prior fellows) continued directly to careers in the biomedical or behavioral sciences (four research technicians or associates in academic labs, two scientists in biotech or industry, one clinical research coordinator, and one patient care coordinator). Therefore, 15 prior fellows (45% of all prior fellows) have thus far continued to graduate programs or careers in the biomedical and behavioral sciences.